Annual Toy Distribution Day 2023!

Season’s Greetings from AAYHF – Annual Toy Distribution Day 2023!
df83fe7c ba0f 4fb8 9cff fbab73a62807
b4572a90 33b9 4375 8d9d 527f2826fac6

Merry Christmas from the African American Youth

Harvest Foundation

(click to start the video below)

overlay?src0=https%3A%2F%2Fi.vimeocdn.com%2Fvideo%2F1766284410 848d1ab6416c1cf2141bbc29ebec00ae2bf64b38eb61f505aef37e3585675714

Annual Toy Distribution Day

Sunday, December 17, 2023

We are so happy to serve our families and be a part of creating a special holiday season!

And we’re always grateful for our volunteers, donors, sponsors and AAYHF team for making this day possible and year-round programming and events.

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ebc48a2e 3ff2 4364 9ccc f1759f93f4dc



Look at these beautifully wrapped gifts!

It’s truly heartwarming to see the generosity and dedication of our volunteers and the AAYHF team in bringing joy to families this holiday season. The wrapped gifts look amazing, filled with toys, spirit and ready to spread cheer.

Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers, donors, sponsors and the AAYHF team for making this another successful event!

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fd7a15c0 27e1 450a 92dd ac1dd44ca4fa
8ff39998 f7cb 4b25 bdb4 1b49edd6d7ac

Thank you to VISA VIBE for their support to AAYHF’s Annual Toy Drive!

c7c916ea df0c 4243 8163 9812adcfa3fe

Thanks to 19th Street Baptist Church under the leadership of M.C. Walker for their generous donation to AAYHF’s Annual Toy Drive. We love our community and their support!

fa5824a8 09ed 460e a92a 0cb80db39c02
2fddee1d bbda 4796 ab82 e63441903a9d

AAYHF and CapMetro celebrated the reveal of the bus advertisement – December 13, 2023!

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2a3fd664 bd6f 469e bb50 4d2dbed48a9b
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2b0012e4 a14c 44a7 8a2b 626255b3f796
95fb566c ef12 483f ae2b e9fb1a60d023
c528bd4d 7829 41cc a3b6 b197207d59e9

Last Week with AAYHF – “Michael Lofton loves the kids!”

10456ff4 dcf3 4de7 ac20 fb12fba87c7f
d47da8b1 6673 4ba2 a7b3 e2521b02bf1a
5ff360fa 8678 4592 a017 c59a56273d96
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67fc0d07 a121 48c4 a602 ed14f8e167a5


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5ba9269a 16b1 4271 a559 12ae26ba72ba

Corey H (Corey Hopkins), AAYHF Host & Producer interviews AAYHF Team and Mentors.

This inspiring video features youth sharing their experiences as participants in the mentoring program, their parents, facilitators as well as Michael Lofton, President/Founder/CEO, AAYHF.

Click below to start the video!

overlay?src0=https%3A%2F%2Fi.vimeocdn.com%2Fvideo%2F1762030042 c231f93684c529dbd5f1b80786606bf6e76ba316f6ce4e1aef2c15d3b894179c

The Gift-Wrapping Party – Always a great time for individuals and corporations to share their time

with us!

We appreciate all of our amazing Volunteers!



” The AKA’s were thrilled to be Santa’s helpers at the AAYHF Annual Gift-Wrapping Party & Toy Distribution! Tonight, we wrapped hundreds of gifts with pink & green love. Huge thanks to Mr. Lofton for the opportunity to serve and spread holiday cheer. When you call, we’re always ready to lend a hand!”

382e8b63 75bf 4e3e a875 a9612c1366c9
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Thanks to AUTMHQ (Austin Urban Technology Movement) for their day of service at AAYHF wrapping gifts during their “12 Days of AUTMHQ 2023”!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

8501c891 7f21 4021 bc7d c36c0e30bc78
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ae684399 4a31 4ed1 9064 a8b9daeb5ffe

AAYHF Gift Wrapping Party – Sunday, December 10, 2023

AAYHF would like to thank the volunteers and youth from Wheless Lane Church of Christ.

92a47f2b 6acf 436e a7d3 204d7924f2ad
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Michael & Elaine Lofton attended NAACP – 2023 Annual Dewitty Overton Banquet on Saturday, December 9, 2023

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Texas Legislative Black Caucus

50th Anniversary Gala –

Sunday, December 10, 2023

3101ff77 d243 4b26 8707 130ac43245ff

CONGRATULATIONS Michael Lofton Founder/CEO/President, AAYHF

MICHAEL LOFTON received the 2023 “Outstanding Texan” Award, nominated by Representative Sheryl Cole during the

50th Anniversary of the Texas Black Caucus Celebration Brunch.

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372cf70b 94cb 4b45 a9ad 02f79ec282bc

Texas State Representative, Ron Reynolds with Michael Lofton

2dbfb5eb 35e3 47a2 8cba 4d33df12d9c3

Texas State Representative, Jarvis Johnson with Michael Lofton

7eb1386b 1095 48c9 ab61 7357f25b8b90

Attorney Carl Richie with Michael Lofton

4006a399 4d96 43d2 bb79 562da1bb5680

Houston Commissioner/Former State Senator, Rodney Ellis with Michael Lofton

5b99844d 04dc 4d72 8f56 e480508ab1c6
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8f7ed7d2 d112 4d3e 9a85 e0435ae1bc1b
41d327c3 ed03 480d bcdf accb62bcdd09

Healing services for survivors of interpersonal violence.

The Harvest Trauma Recovery Center


f846eab1 95e1 4079 9a4f 9d566dc3cc4b

Mentoring Christmas Program – December 12, 2023

18ce3c0f 527d 4263 920d 578aa1620928

Nov 27 – Dec 1 with AAYHF!

Mentorship is one of the core values of the African American Youth Harvest Foundation (AAYHF) with the belief that all youth deserve access to positive role models who can help them succeed in school and beyond.

That’s why a variety of programs are offered for all ages.

This is a free program for boys and girls ages 5 through 18 years old.

For more information email us: contactus@aayhf.org or visit us at www.aayhf.org

Tuesday, November 28 – Queens2Be and Boys2Men Mentoring Programs

37396536 2577 4d25 9196 0c36c38772d8
fc430d3c 1b27 4d3a a501 983dd086aeb3
b7dfd4aa 6ec4 4766 a298 505ec04fea46
8a9f2898 0f9f 463f 9dda 18c7f316b441
7f9c089b c69e 4705 8cb4 cb372f9a68e7
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86fdd205 2f7c 4e4e 9409 bfd257e24783
8c7e5a6b d676 4a07 9201 7180f2fee999

INVEST IN YOURSELF IN 2024 with accredited workshops like “Resume Development”, “Conflict Management” and more. A list of all the workshops is listed below as well as the Eventbrite registration links.

4eb3bd0b e115 48d2 bd6b 80aa56805f3e


e17e6571 f06c 44e2 ae9f 07f410939423

AAYHF Annual Back-to-School Backpack Giveaway Video!

Cap Metro & Harvest Foundation Trauma Recovery Center Video!

Michael Lofton speaks during a Youth Mentoring Session Video!

Mentoring Groups Physical and Nutrition Fitness Day Video!

Dr. Charles Urdy Golf Tournament


STEM & Mentoring


STEM, Technology, 3-D Printing, Gaming & Coding and more is offered at no charge for youth ages kindergarten through 12th grade inside of the Dell Tech Lounge.

STEM workshops are one of the continuous programs that AAYHF offers for young people.

What is STEM? STEM consists of the natural sciences, technology-related, engineering and math fields.

For more info: contactus@aayhf.org

e5253a90 9082 44b2 ae5a 489e9679bc4b
0922fdf1 7937 4909 b28b 600c30758dea
8e8e07d8 951d 4a89 914e ae06807874bf
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0ea7eed4 ed17 4dc4 9c41 3deb53663fc8
b878cfe9 80bd 4a4a 957d e4b674233e96
72ef3671 fcf9 4006 bb21 0a58e27cf9eb


Scan the QR Code or email us at: contactus@aayhf.org

e4615447 6e31 473d b492 fb8cb0fa4f43
037cf02b b679 4bcc 969e fe804f22e3e7
9711fdcc c2f3 44fc a935 8e62dbbd5176
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25357f8d e8c5 4363 a5d4 4715fe3caea9
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7a120fe8 2b30 4be3 94fa bc3aeab4aa10
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Happening in Austin!

633c5f61 c1da 4a69 ac21 76f5a1c179ce

Health & Vaccine Care

6141cda5 a2cc 4c45 ad9d e5e8e9160b65
1e1a3bf0 837e 471b ab08 b5515ebcbfb1
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0c44578b 3d2d 4dfe 87ee dc4f678782f1
67cefa25 d0d2 442a add3 64dbf631d9e3
13b815a2 bed5 44b3 a572 271bd009912a

Food Pantry Info

c31d04d4 f572 4795 9577 1b520ff62bb9
235be76b d7be 4531 9ce4 5f35553063da
e80e24ad c70b 47ab 9bd7 bedb334e4244
dd77cb1c f573 4f20 be76 3be186fd421f

African American Youth Harvest Foundation


6633 Hwy 290 E., #307

Austin, TX 78723



Michael Lofton, Founder & CEO



Text a Donation: Text the word

CHANGE to 77948

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