Gala Preliminary Pictures and More Professional Images and Photo Links Coming Soon!

Gala Preliminary Pictures–More Professional Images and Photo Links Coming Soon!
6065751c 8664 44a0 a22d 4feea8c9d194
97e00f26 3899 4397 a513 00af980c1a81
0a725867 5fa6 4f2d 9af5 3ae21020b29c
300822b2 c8a9 4009 a8c9 5204012837bb

Friday, October 27 – VIP Brunch and Panel Discussion at Impact Hub with Martin Luther King III & Distinguished Panel Guests and

AAYHF Facility Tour

de6927bf 9203 48a9 984a f725d9c0229a
7a179bf5 f9ad 4b7a 97f0 0b8d26fb0e1f
3657a1a4 94f9 4bcf 99cf d6a358553e0a

Moderator: Michael Lofton

Panelists: Pastor Joseph Parker, Gary Bledsoe NAACP, Martin Luther King III,

Dr. Joyce James and Commissioner

Jeff Travillion

f4ca30ca 6bfe 400c a151 fc737d9d9c6a
afe6013e a44e 477b 9653 60ec77d35347
2d8bffa0 f167 4f28 b728 3fedcf572bf9
c0fc9a04 6ed0 4da8 95f8 0cc1a729bde5
7af693f5 4876 4e89 93ac 2553866b225d
96c3ffbe bf8b 4b14 8581 20e3ab4a8831
c826cfb6 cb5f 4b59 82f5 24020ea91d0e
e587803a 9a06 4605 8c10 a87c61891a53
fefd971c 226f 40c1 a427 ed41df85dafc
cd5ad47f 1724 4a3a 92ec 8d86b28c4308
bab32ab6 a1c7 45e1 b600 11b91e20be0b
f550a166 f8df 4660 8602 1e832f871a91
  1. Foundation Tour/Youth Resource Center/Black Men’s Health Clinic
  2. Michael Lofton sits down one-on-one with Martin Luther King III
  3. MLK3 visits youth in the Dell Tech Lounge
  4. Tour continued throughout the building and other resident non-profit organizations
  5. Group photo outside of AAYHF
6cd51543 89c6 45ce b95f 0256ad8695c1
d95d2843 23e6 4064 b83e 3b50f0870c72
16ffd9ad 61c2 4585 a349 2a71b45382a2
1d4a0c29 f24c 4de1 bdf0 fee11d1b410d
c0aa934e 6356 4b27 a2c4 21dee0919994
12cebd93 ee0a 4cb1 a213 ee1b1771341c
d4334263 6c42 4854 bf3f 3cb7083c20ee
5ce21b4f 6fd5 44fc bdba c2f4c6aa1075
07655405 5cce 4191 a5f1 6fb16442074e
bc76c05e e621 4a67 ba44 8a870694a4e7
d5f76256 7fa0 45ff 912e 01a924e054b7
6d0c15f2 f048 4807 9550 4b0bf866118c
1d077df4 8d78 400e a18a ed54b44243b9
0b2d0a98 fca7 4dd4 b143 4315d64cf715
4dd0f4f3 a2d3 46b8 8246 cb0c0d18a4cd
5f48ae1a 436e 492a b673 98d37fdfb3af
b5e23327 cc2b 4729 9737 e5c78c37c48f
44a50063 b70d 410b a948 2266f7bda071
3e1fae08 53e7 4c2a 86f2 0233347771d6
11daa5c4 c31c 4b74 9ee9 12e7ad45a815

Saturday, October 28 – Statewide Youth Summit – AISD Performing Arts Center

Martin Luther King III was the Keynote Speaker at the Youth Summit. Youth attendees’–young kids through teenagers participated in the various topic panel discussions and dance teams entertained the audience! AAYHF was sure to reward young people who asked the panelists questions with some cool gifts!

d9222660 6f32 4f59 a5f2 d03d53f079e7
936eec46 80d9 44a8 8934 82c776bc2a69
53845d04 bf8e 428b 952f b0d0f8c8c243
aa5b166e 6010 482c a190 e86a8d2629b8
48771110 96b9 490e 89e4 2f76c23da5ff
d152b519 4488 4c8b be84 82f0c6cd29bd
e3e1a61a bd13 4cbc 8372 d23bf5ee43a3
77dd10d5 ab7f 41dd 934b c91365817222
2890f0bf 26c5 4891 bfbd fb90754c81f6
e80d144a 2736 40dd b277 683a504da32d
ab61241a a916 43a3 9765 5279a3cc99bd
626d249d 939a 437e 9c9b 4790adb16c38
6c558a28 7063 4ff0 9086 ea500f861bad
08d392ff c8ce 48f2 b49d 61c1a166b242
3d96fbef 2f62 495b 89a6 b4e55cf676f3
9ea07303 1d35 4460 af74 2b77a7d4bac3
aca0cb43 8a0f 459b 81fc a0f8c448eb75
1cd48df5 de2a 4b26 8c0b 1616d5cd1688
93f0a651 19ac 4118 87b5 75b2c4879112
d053679e 0657 4ae1 8575 afca07541f0f
9b39cf3f 082b 46dd 8e12 0092c284b043
654fc554 d8f5 431f bb08 4ef660e7003e
e01af46b 2c61 4317 b11e 003eda64a6dc
4f7c2900 89e2 473a 961c 668f651310d9
bbccc97a 69fa 4d01 8194 13c9b597b8bc
fce2c164 0de7 4102 bf07 3d1c094de30f
c03e7b2d b201 4cc1 ae0e 393539a7d825
0a30e6ca d5bf 44f7 86ee 7edc3af929b0
99e91303 93e4 4b3f 8450 7d1d12a283d2
fb4b437d 8f12 4d04 bef2 e6c6b306c7e4

Saturday, October 28, 2023 – AAYHF Annual “Changing the Story”

Gala &

Legacy Awards

Fairmont Hotel Downtown Austin

13c7bbf6 7525 4a9b bf7a b26330fe905d
4f2a565a 2dc0 4ce7 b656 f206f941f5b1
c9173975 cd52 424a b791 60fba28cea7e
e088f562 550c 4662 aee2 e7898183ecd6
61cfb98d beae 4ac9 98db 1d3a12459aeb
efd58e7a f8ed 46f0 9a8f 829554f0e0b8
ac6719c5 584c 482c be07 b87869d7e63d
08a08bfe c228 4f1f 97ee 0123f9869a46
bedc0206 45d0 4828 b0d0 062432a64834
e2c7e92a ba8c 4da9 b702 81b550b453a4
679969e1 664f 4b0d 99cc 1b3c498a7e42
8b95ccd6 4023 43fe af62 677dbf7d56ac
4705f40b 4bfe 4401 a449 4c3246b33322
c3a2428b c7d2 4057 babf 02e21c4788e8
5e7d325b d386 4ef5 bd0b 438286815b1a
3d1443f1 5317 488a 98de 4eae7237a269
667e3ed4 fb74 4e92 9e0c 81d765431987
91652d44 44b6 4d22 80f0 6ace1b152f88
922075ab 3a44 4054 b986 344754de9bff
af768eec d91d 449d 9ac4 e6977d1b8c80
9c95c925 fe23 4a31 8c0b 79f8b823512c
1e8a1071 65ff 44ce ab96 2228c2ec9d42
b3165b7c fc45 43bf ba55 80839e72dd5a
88dee24d 4738 42e4 836d 483dc9a6d1de
5033fca0 dc46 4159 b1a2 a20f68c1b037
97c7868a 2af9 48e3 9c01 42f7bd0f7c3a
ea698e7a 527b 4abb a84c e1ba6c8c36f8
e6a9ed64 a77c 45b3 bb89 3f915abddd86
b595c66c b09c 46e4 afd3 90c9805f3cbc
00fbdee1 68cc 4dba 9d92 915ce236d58e
85c37869 03e8 4c14 b5c5 ba7473a74b51
333abdbf 1d98 43af bc2d 70c44ac2f585
2046da56 cfa5 4284 876b 2980b3b9e546
faf1de97 0cc5 4dbc 9c76 c6fa0bff3ae0
10e9448e 411c 46f5 af36 1cf356b6ddb6
e277504d 052f 46b5 ac7d f08ce6e557b6

Legacy Awards Honorees

(there were 70 Honorees–not all photographed)

3f46a7f2 43b4 4f6e 9eb7 03319ede93fa
d7342100 b4f8 43cc 9895 4688b51c5152
2caa6581 0045 453d 9a61 6563a5118213
bda276be 149c 465a ad8c eb632d9b2db1

GRAND OPENING & RIBBON CUTTING – Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Harvest Trauma Recovery Center

f91351fa 3e9f 4494 94d0 9b784fa1601a


10/24/2023: AAYHF Queens2Be (Q2B) and Boys2Men (B2M) Weekly Mentoring Programs (free)!

The African American Youth Harvest Foundation (AAYHF) is a non-profit organization that offers year-round support and activities for youth, adults, and families to help them develop and reach their full potential.

For more information about our mentoring programs or becoming a mentor email us at contactus@aayhf.org or visit us at www.aayhf.org

Q2B: Thank you to Ms. Bria from “Real Queens Fix Each Other’s Crown” Non-Profit Organization” . We did mental health activity focusing on these three questions:

1.The best advice you have ever gotten

2. Something that you do that makes you feel better when you’re feeling down

3. Something that you have said to someone else to make them feel better

f848b6f2 3c20 4246 9de8 9a57bc03652f
9bf1a792 c741 45c8 993c abefeda11287
c8970534 4ab4 4363 912f d3b8fca89c0c
dc08ddae 1235 43ba 9147 b18b62f1cdd8
7560d0b5 52e9 4f8e b13d 0f74cba46fdf
09d7796d a42c 4139 9afb 783e18a8d308
d764a383 0efd 41aa 98f7 e747b8386157
f33087f4 a5ac 489e b288 6023e36569d8
63ae450b 3f13 43e6 bbe7 bd5b1a02e8f2
ce3b84b7 1e79 4d90 83ef ca8aa392e3d6
11f8dcb2 e335 4361 be41 9da83824807a
c2d3796c e6a8 4179 9c43 783a92d2189b

Tuesday, October 24, 2023:

AAYHF received a proclamation from Travis County Commissioners Court for hosting our Annual Gala & Legacy Awards Event, which will be held Saturday, October 28, 2023, Fairmont Hotel Austin.

For tickets visit us at www.aayhf.org

a8883c4d 5391 4460 b1b5 e01ffd104395
67ccbe80 5d25 4a89 8812 c1236f5b165b

Oct 16-20 with AAYHF!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 – AAYHF Queens2Be (Q2B) Mentoring Program

was an exciting night of fun as well as learning, working with the Health Care Careers Academy team on how to administer CPR, draw blood, and check blood pressure. Our young ladies got to experience first-hand what it would be like and what it takes to save a life.

Thank you again to the Health Care Careers Academy Team!!

Michael Lofton always participates with the youth!

Mr. Lofton loves the kids.”

Check him out in the video below during a CPR demonstration…

overlay?src0=https%3A%2F%2Fi.vimeocdn.com%2Fvideo%2F1740763023 b3218a31cf48fbc80c239e1f34610e0fc93cbb4f02c9fe4642d05f386e031472
0cba5608 cf41 49d1 9e53 d49733e52df4
ba161aa2 7c6d 4928 9d42 c8859d26bd8b
f7a2f7ce 6101 4b22 908b 874dd34d4386
10a41395 f0e1 4b14 a5c1 89c4d6641066
aa11e033 a635 4066 a696 dbe24741b67e
fff4a21b 967f 40d8 a409 bc5a8e0a69c8
e1c21b3b d548 4dc4 bbc7 10739ccc116a

On the same evening, our Boys2Men (B2M) Mentoring Program was held with more guidance from Mentors and Facilitators who really care about the development and success of our young men.

6a87a650 4011 4214 b42e 9c6e8b668976
c5e8823f 385c 4f7f 874f 29591b6a5bf7
0eb38024 2d84 44d1 a0f9 70605edff464
352521d5 cc37 4e45 a6a1 3777ad4546fe
9f8ece0c b89d 47e8 a517 a98246698b29
5b136e04 1ae3 41db 967b 44eb251ad697

On October 19, AAYHF hosted a soft opening for the Harvest Trauma Recovery Center.

“Austin will soon be home to Texas’ first trauma recovery center, a community space offering mental health treatment and community interventions related to violent crime, run through the African American Youth Harvest Foundation.”

Read the full article here:

Austin nonprofit readies to launch Texas’ first trauma recovery center | Community Impact

2b4fb60a df01 4fb9 9179 e8763c02807b
65b1749f c74f 47ab 94cf a9b9b00f46e2
541c1cc4 898c 46ed b8fa 43d3dcc86193
39ceea2c ee62 44c6 a4a6 b6b44a9167f3
23370225 8c18 4f92 948b 80052555aa3a

Getting ready for the Gala…

With the gala only days away AAYHF volunteers attended a training and orientation in anticipation of the fast-approaching weekend of events starting Friday, October 27 through Saturday, October 28!


8c46a7d1 5a61 409a af0f 8d09e2b58c82
2f771240 98b6 4235 b5b1 efc6fe5d93f2
6fdd6a57 922e 40be 8a16 70f7a16ff2e4
af96e48b 29b6 48a7 8a0f 050d95eae148

Saturday, October 21: AAYHF attended the Wheless Lane Church of Christ Community Fun Day of Events!

1c4055ed f570 4054 9d17 b456892ee843
6f1567e7 9015 4208 98a5 ec11440165da
1784fa0f d3fc 4004 a17e 06862649c05f
49a0e896 d1a7 4dd1 a292 f313f9f6adb4
f8af4595 afc0 4022 84ce 13007aea6dd6
c1a19dca ef62 4228 bdf9 f662f37db36a
f661e188 556d 46d7 8c1a e5a320f182f6
28e36dab 8bf2 4ff8 88ee 222778b2ace0
9e2621d6 bcd0 4d74 95a4 3bd6d784585f

At another event on Saturday, October 21 – AAYHF Team Members, Karon Moore and Sharon Mathis set up an information table at Hope Fest 2023!

b0345018 e31d 469b aedb 4cdb58777b4c
bdd48292 e5ce 454e b1ee 9ea05e36b529
f83b3090 b480 4be8 b21a d91c41c2878b
6204a006 8e5c 4559 91ac bfc1a0526eef

Oct 9 – Oct 15 w/ AAYHF!

Michael & Elaine Lofton were both honored with the 2023 NAACP Visionary Award during the 86th Annual NAACP State Conference, October 12-14, 2023, Pflugerville, Texas.

Congratulations to both of them for a well-deserved acknowledgement!

c44e6bb4 ca6e 4f05 89a7 56fba22af626

Photographed below: Michael Lofton, Gary Bledsoe, President Texas NAACP, and Elaine Lofton

5e518d15 5cf4 43c8 bdf9 1a5b730946c3

Photographed below: NAACP National President & CEO, Derrick Johnson & Michael Lofton, Founder & CEO, African American Youth Harvest Foundation (AAYHF)

b0734329 1077 41b7 a8b1 e4c9f4b5bd46
faeb37b0 b876 434b bf28 66366c5f60f3

Photographed below with Michael Lofton, actor, Mechad Brooks and Honorable Ron Reynolds, Texas House of Representatives

4327b59c eb8c 49f3 881e 0177bed65881
4226d8d7 109a 4685 aef9 3079ebc4292a
72255897 a3ac 448b 8c03 9f734fd2d67f

Photographed below: Derrick Johnson, Elaine Lofton, Gary Bledsoe, Michael Lofton and Alberta Bledsoe

89cbfc18 cf44 407e 9dd7 05d15624732b

Photographed below: Charles O’Neal, President, Texas Black Chamber, Elaine Lofton, Michael Lofton and Nelson Linder, Austin NAACP President

b0cbf7c1 0a2a 4416 907a 792776853999
6af45db9 3ec5 4636 b749 57d01bc0c761
e3155784 8b87 4716 a7a8 762113364f56
8f2994a2 48f7 454e a27a 7d8e83c6d1a3
5792ac5d 41f6 424b afd7 07b3ee840af3
0886964a fc13 4ce9 8083 c04076415179
36c8b34b c0cf 48c3 9b3c e60a4d946cd1
43c1416b 3a39 4ca2 8dd9 9feca25a3a6c
a566b6a0 9801 487e b1cd eb3707ead09d

Also, on Saturday, October 14, 2023

Michael Lofton received the

2023 Community Award at the 85th Alpha Kappa Alpha Beta Psi Omega Chapter Event!


67c6cbe9 4af0 4bc4 9ebb 294e71d46bac
84e39727 eaee 4dfb 9490 3b2a969f5d59
2e49c6a4 066f 4b23 b7ff 1ea446fcaaa6
122ac4c5 b76d 404c b993 b531ffb6685b
35383d1d b80e 4ae0 b80e 8c2c5e1340a7
62484cc7 56c9 40ec a763 6c315c2abf97
ba9ae1f8 d96b 49d4 a5d7 e3ad7de2c34d

Sunday, October 15

Corinth Missionary Baptist Church supports the African American Youth Harvest Foundation!

caed64cb f61b 4233 bfea 455a2adcd0f4
81d72ae8 116b 4254 a5d2 ad8ce1af701a
3d2f107b 8611 4a7b 8804 7bd5f5d9c830
f438336d 4810 4163 84e5 cd16fa1ae4e1

Michael Lofton & AAYHF Team Members, Corey Hopkins and GeNell Gary met with Honorable Ron Reynolds, Texas House of Representatives and Legacy Award Honoree to talk about the upcoming Gala and to record his YouTube PSA. (video can be accessed above in the Honoree video library).

7d7e9664 b32a 4c16 a91d 7ab094a1f628
44e6275b fccc 470f a6ee 83774a0c0584
dd5c9045 eb70 4c9b b7b4 15ff69b6ad3f
f846eab1 95e1 4079 9a4f 9d566dc3cc4b

Queens to Be/Q2B and Boys2Men/B2M are weekly scheduled AAYHF mentoring programs held onsite every Tuesday. Our mentoring programs are year-round and free for youth participants.

For more information email us at contactus@aayhf.org

AAYHF weekly Boys2Men and Queens2Be Mentoring Program

a2c5be8b 819c 49bb 924d a3504784cd84
50594852 8861 49e4 ab68 4dd970aa94a9
f06e375a d18c 4fcd bf1d 26fe48506aac
75270638 513b 45bd bb5f 490dab0a3dcd
4eecafef 224c 43d7 996f 1ca2fe3f852f
76d23502 2200 46db 94b2 69664df67711
aa1c8178 96a8 4f10 9467 86481b857762

Saturday, October 14:

Youth Leadership Institute Monthly Session – Led by AKA

2fb33507 832f 4f7c a5c7 517630913ad6
f187432f bfb1 4e9b af5c d1ebcc1f9b41
929a62f8 dde2 4ba3 93bd fd156e6e25a8
266caad9 f904 41fd 8aaa 036392f74e20

AAYHF with Community Partners!

October 24, 2023

Dell – AAYHF Strategic Partner visits at AAYHF

2c33ed8d 90fc 4b5a 9bd9 5ab02bb4814d
33de76b4 3323 41dc 8859 d08514457334

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Michael & Elaine Lofton attended Hindu Charities for America (HC4A) dba Education Careers for America Annual Scholarship Fundraiser Gala.

HC4A provide and support AAYHF with scholarships in Cybersecurity and we are seeking to expand to other scholarship opportunities.

Michael Lofton, Founder & CEO, AAYHF, was on the panel speaking of the benefit and also spoke about the impact of the scholarships.

30628b42 75c0 4df0 9776 3417a0be6bbc
f6f7229b 67ab 4066 90c1 8c8e954763c1
e97b2690 f127 45de 9b83 c93273fceb43
72ffed39 bc37 4f26 9827 95192b7af455

See for yourself the excitement that takes place in our Mentoring Programs and around the Offices of the Harvest Foundation!

Open the YouTube video links below to learn more about the vision and mission Michael Lofton, Founder & CEO, and the AAYHF Team have for young people and the community!


e17e6571 f06c 44e2 ae9f 07f410939423

Youth Leadership Institute w/Alpha Kappa Alpha Incorporated Beta Psi Omega Chapter Video

AAYHF Annual Back-to-School Backpack Giveaway Video!

Cap Metro & Harvest Foundation Trauma Recovery Center Video!

Michael Lofton speaks during a Youth Mentoring Session Video!

Mentoring Groups Physical and Nutrition Fitness Day Video!

Dr. Charles Urdy Golf Tournament




We appreciate the support of Cadence Bank Foundation! Thank you, Mr. Rogers, for visiting AAYHF on September 26, 2023!

e6093c97 9312 44ed a8f6 f13b3d7db36f

Thank you to our friends at The Brewtorium Brewery & Kitchen (Austin, TX) for their ongoing support!

6a8b0f12 f44f 4dff 8ae5 fdaea0bb1162

“Delighted to connect Michael Lofton, CEO of African American Youth Harvest Foundation with TCSOA (Travis County Sheriff’s Officers Association) leadership. I’m grateful that The Association presented a check to support AAYHF youth programs.”

—Commissioner Ann Howard – at Travis County, Texas – Government.

e9686aae f17d 4d75 b35e 5c2554382683

Thanks to Jack n Jill Austin Chapter for supporting AAYHF!

30a316e3 7f09 45a0 bb67 b1388febc95a

Thank you to A+ Federal Credit Union for their generous support of AAYHF families and programs!

7aa7ec07 6842 4e42 ad01 45b17ae79302

Empower Your Legacy: Donate $1500 or More and Receive a $600 Estate Planning Package!

At Thiru’s VFS (https://valuefinserve.com/vfs-for-hc4a), we are committed to supporting impactful organizations that uplift our community. That’s why we’re excited to introduce an exclusive opportunity for donors who contribute $1500 or more to the African American Youth Harvest Foundation at https://aayhf.org/donate/, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering African American youth and their families.

Your generous donation not only transforms lives but also secures your own legacy. As a token of our appreciation, we’re offering you a comprehensive Estate Planning Package valued at $600—completely free.

3072202e 1918 47e9 b7cd 1e256fd68e92

Congratulations AAYHF on the Nomination!

Become a

Wheatsville Food Co-op Owner and become eligible to cast your vote for the African American Youth Harvest Foundation to win the

2024 Community Action Award

in the November election!

Find out more about Wheatsville and their all-natural grocery store here in Austin as well as membership information (read more below) or

click here>>>Learn More Here!

fa8eea10 4372 4e01 a9de 0ba85e218ada
99bcaf65 6116 45c0 817d f7cb3df505b5
4d5a9f1e 0b01 4b35 a727 1a08fbe2f108
a272f6af 9f8a 4b05 a743 880b202a4a44

STEM & Mentoring


STEM, Technology, 3-D Printing, Gaming & Coding and more is offered at no charge for youth ages kindergarten through 12th grade inside of the Dell Tech Lounge.

STEM workshops are one of the continuous programs that AAYHF offers for young people.

What is STEM? STEM consists of the natural sciences, technology-related, engineering and math fields.

For more info: contactus@aayhf.org

e5253a90 9082 44b2 ae5a 489e9679bc4b
0922fdf1 7937 4909 b28b 600c30758dea
8e8e07d8 951d 4a89 914e ae06807874bf
466fbedf 469e 4827 9a5c 65235ed77eb2


Scan the QR Code or email us at: contactus@aayhf.org

e4615447 6e31 473d b492 fb8cb0fa4f43
037cf02b b679 4bcc 969e fe804f22e3e7
9711fdcc c2f3 44fc a935 8e62dbbd5176
fe78485b 9109 4774 baf8 6c78aee4b2f9
25357f8d e8c5 4363 a5d4 4715fe3caea9
c995364a 66d3 4a8d 8f7b 11a905746ee4
a69792d0 ccbc 4f88 9fa0 523c98b01033
d4a0ce74 0f4f 4e86 82fe 7fc23636dd8a
daedb3e5 8a57 4a3b af5d d67b099648b2
84ac2d93 11ca 4290 a578 f3895114810f
7a120fe8 2b30 4be3 94fa bc3aeab4aa10
d0400993 7d59 43c3 ba07 9f3a5623da52

Happening in Austin!

2bdfb22f cdb4 4712 805f a570fb8eccee
9d555f56 9b5d 47f2 ad91 5b302d717978
d9858072 1a31 4cd3 9aa6 83302db7f967
b67adde1 2623 434e 8021 7a1ea0abfe2d
7c32488d 07e1 4097 8602 074b4e711fac
0eaac1d3 8ae4 4642 906d f7b5bbbcfed9
633c5f61 c1da 4a69 ac21 76f5a1c179ce



TAKE THE SURVEY – $50 gift card HERE: 


5174e09e 601e 48d1 af7c f4ee5b453727
c6bddfa1 5522 4720 93a7 a45dca3dcc8e

Health & Vaccine Care

f305fb9d c17e 4add be61 aab73cb32071
39ef0a2e e931 4be0 96c2 63ff575a99ac
de563429 4340 4245 b841 e591cab8b8be
bdfd5f63 9a67 4263 b8f2 1cf88c525292
2a7fab21 9c80 421a 8541 3ee63570f305
404f9273 3e0d 4c79 9dfd d09f3f1ac180
0c44578b 3d2d 4dfe 87ee dc4f678782f1
67cefa25 d0d2 442a add3 64dbf631d9e3
13b815a2 bed5 44b3 a572 271bd009912a

Food Pantry Info

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African American Youth Harvest Foundation


6633 Hwy 290 E., #307

Austin, TX 78723



Michael Lofton, Founder & CEO



Text a Donation: Text the word

CHANGE to 77948

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