Happy New Year’s Eve from AAYHF and all the Best in 2024!

Happy New Year’s Eve from AAYHF and all the Best in 2024!
a4c7b04f ca70 4177 8a6d c3ef6cedac34
1114b9fc 591a 45c4 9bcb aa5947d336b2

A heartfelt thank you to our amazing supporters for your year-end donations!

Your generosity will fuel AAYHF’s mission to empower and uplift local youth and families in the Austin area. Every contribution, big or small, makes a real difference in their lives.

Make your meaningful tax-deductible gift today and join us in creating a brighter future for Austin’s youth and families!

Here are some easy ways to donate:

Click here to donate online securely: https://aayhf.org/donate

Text “CHANGE” to 77948 to make a quick and easy donation:

Mail a check to AAYHF at 6633 Hwy 290 E, #307, Austin, TX 78723:

No matter the amount, your contribution will have a lasting impact. Thank you for being a part of the AAYHF family!

Happy holidays and best wishes for a joyous and meaningful new year!

~African American Youth Harvest Foundation

Now, please enjoy some memorable 2023 moments with AAYHF!

8c7e5a6b d676 4a07 9201 7180f2fee999


 Kwanzaa Principles

December 26 through January 1

33df8bd4 19cf 4edb 84ea 3911d57e2fe1





Our year started with free haircuts for boys at AAYHF, Sunday, January 8! Thank you to the Professional Barbers for donating their time and expert services!

ca2a0f6a 616f 41fb 96ae 9974ab2457d4
42393fc5 8a49 4922 96b2 6d470e4982eb
c9721b7c b683 40f8 815c b62fec7504b2
11d91f00 2e46 443e 8a0c e78072781e94
1e549ef4 9b7b 4c42 87ae 54e10795cbaa







Michael Lofton, Founder & CEO, and the entire AAYHF Team welcomed Ben & Jerry’s volunteers and students from Austin Achieve as the Ben & Jerry’s community service project commenced – Extreme Office Makeover for the African American Youth Harvest Foundation Offices.

There will be more renovations to come, such as, painting, fencing and more!

4552d95c 9b55 4f75 a48f 72a9a9d2811d
6f352116 4770 4195 a460 09ce9ae1b0a4
03133e2a bb47 4b8b ae62 07185644a3f0
14e3d161 1756 42be b0ba 281fbaf294be
d6c95b02 0bac 4632 9af9 d351e3551bca
294bde92 b6c0 45f8 9902 1ea35c3f4794
6f013c5c d370 4cc9 828f 23874824a023

2023 Summer Youth Employment Program Job Training with AAYHF, which was held at Austin Achieve Public School, Saturday, January 28! This was the first of two trainings AAYHF would host. AAYHF is proud to not only be a partner and job trainer for this annual program but also served as an employer of youth in 2023!

ca7b9895 9ad2 474f 9b6a f232c731dcd2


2023 Summer Youth Employment Program Job Training second session with AAYHF, which was held at Austin Achieve Public School, February 4, 2023

180a429b d650 4e19 beee c30c7736851f
d261ef38 6d5b 4718 b7c1 3dc1b5209dd2

Youth and their families attended the

“My Mind Matters” – Youth Mental Health Summit, Saturday, February 11,

hosted by AAYHF and Yes2Best!


Anthony Collier, Motivational Speaker

Dionte McClendon

The Youth Mental Health Summit also included Parent Sessions-so that youth could speak freely in their sessions.

Parent Topics included:

“Characteristics of a Developing Child to Adulthood” and “Managing Conflict: What’s the Hype About Conflict?”

We want to acknowledge GAMMA GAMMA BOULE for their support and sponsorship, Hogg Foundation, Integral Care and the Central Texas African American Family Support conference.

18d2059c 2856 441b 8517 cd69a0f04c75
4d5acd13 6427 4772 b3a0 dcca0711ce83
36348468 def7 42ac 9580 e7254834e4f2
8057ddab 7b71 4a6c af45 d087213fd78e
eea02d82 3614 41b8 b6ce 94cb872458f4

MARCH 2023

Saturday, March 11 – Celebrating 16 years of community service and a milestone of 65 years of age !

Michael Lofton’s 65th Birthday & Awards Ceremony was celebrated with

over 180 family and guests.

Michael Lofton was awarded plaques and proclamations by a host of guest speakers.


Congressman Lloyd Doggett

State Representative Sheryl Cole

Travis County Commissioners Court

City of Austin Mayor Kirk Watson

Proclamation / Plaque from African American Youth Harvest Foundation Board

Award Plaque from AAYHF Board

72322bef 1d1b 4954 80c2 a544caea9318
e580eb61 0bbb 4f90 bc8c d36791b0d679
fba44f85 5c2e 43c1 af80 53d065842a0b
36cb18f0 8657 45be ae18 524ad1c96144
7121c1be 0661 4d89 94b9 c18aeae23c8d

Saturday, March 11, 2023, at AAYHF was the first in-person session collaboration between the African American Youth Harvest Foundation, EC4A Education, Careers for America and YesMentor!

Youth had the opportunity to receive their certification in CyberSecurity through CompTIA.

7eee1d0c 625d 414e aa0c 48357cb6c215
db0c6c50 af11 49b2 852b e7e3830c7887
761aa4cf 6841 4d8e 9110 54852835d47a
b387941e c7e4 4d79 83fb 4e79500063ed
0aaec879 b918 4af2 8b47 63e836939ca3
ade634ed 5941 4738 ac9e fe9299fb996a

APRIL 2023

April 4, 2023

“It gives me great pleasure to share to the Austin Community that the AAYHF Team went to the State Capital today to support the Texas Legislative Black Caucus 50th Anniversary. In addition, the State NAACP and all the Chapter Presidents were there as well to support this Anniversary with the Caucus. Last but not least, today was the 55th year in Remembrance / Observation of the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. It was a bittersweet day to reflect back on the sacrifices and achievements for the past 50 years.” ~Michael Lofton

 AAYHF CEO, Michael Lofton spoke to many Legislators about the programs and services offered by the African American Youth Harvest Foundation.

79dade65 5fc5 49e4 9378 d54140e8cd94
7d1f30ec aed2 4b28 b98c 1accf18e7ef9

Michael Lofton, Founder & CEO, African American Youth Harvest Foundation, was the Keynote Speaker for the 2023 District 3 Honors Awards, Represented by Councilmember Casey Thomas, II – Dallas, TX.

57af095b 79a0 41ce b4a9 d9d8cb7cd06b
7fc02f4d 8297 49df bff0 2cdae62194aa
9e6aacc0 8d85 4d88 a6e4 e7518dd09700

Mentoring young people and providing life experiences and guidance from caring adults is one of the signature programs that AAYHF offers. This program is free year-round and focuses on not only STEM and technology but life skills, mental health, academic tutoring, social and cultural endeavors, making new friends and more!

9dff8f2c 15c4 4eb4 90c2 1478bfbc85ff
3013e282 bc9a 4e9a 9ba1 8fa6a1ed5e93
cfcf3c9b 4612 4d32 85b8 cfb3d36d814a
042ccb9f 54c6 4e98 9a1d 98ec37f15d94
6ad8d9a1 b8b3 4870 b1be 0feafe10fb8f


For several months in 2023 the AAYHF Outreach Distribution Team delivered COVID safety supplies throughout Austin to residents, schools and organizations! #WeAreInThisTogether

51ba1e3d e8df 4013 8d6f 0ff6424f2438

2023 was no different than any other year where AAYHF participated in local community events such as Earth Day, Job Fairs, Community Health Events, Technology Showcases and more!

699f618d 810b 4aa3 94df 2209a8c988f0

MAY 2023


The African American Youth Harvest Foundation won the 2023 Best of Black Austin “Best Non-Profit” category!! Thank you to everyone that voted for AAYHF!

Award winners were announced at a ceremony the evening of May 18, 2023.

057c956f e52a 474e a79c e89dc5874fe5
d8b80d4b af77 477c b9c0 5975a4620264

AAYHF offered free mental health trainings and workshops throughout 2023!

89c458d8 5e8d 4db1 a732 b225343f716d
1a136cd6 53ab 4392 bb70 90aef90cf93f

5/16: This Boys & Girls Mentoring Meeting offered another unique learning experience with Martial Arts training.

Fire Dragon Marital Artis Institute (Austin, TX), lead by Grandmaster Moses Williams, held a Marial Arts class with the youth at the African American Youth Harvest Foundation. Professor Moses Williams, has 47 years of marital arts and holds a Ph.D. in Martial Arts Science.

5b1ff0df 0818 4a9f 8ab4 03ce47a0d21c
cef5cbdd c455 4f20 8cde bd1727eef40e

MICHAEL LOFTON INSPIRING THE YOUTH AFTER MARITAL ARTS CLASS (he says it and the youth repeat it)! “I am Magical, I am Important, My Mental Health Matters…”


dc77d76d 877c 4881 b127 a43441fb855b

5/18: AAYHF attended the Manor ISD The Whole Child, Community Partnerships and Engagement Team at their 2nd Annual Mental Health Fair –

Healing and Connection event.

2ea685e5 2132 4cad 9c45 e83587c34aa3
aa38b5af 809a 4bc4 a25c b812d6765b58

Girl’s Mentoring Group on May 9

Topic: Deep Down Feelings

A night of talking about feelings and how to manage emotions.

 “After talking it out, we all pretty much left FEELING just fine… 😊

026d7f38 ff29 4f6d b42b e0a5aae21805

AAYHF Annual Mother’s Day Celebration and Photo Shoot.

This is another special event sponsored by the Foundation and wonderful donors, such as yourself! Moms received a free photo shoot with family members of their choice, fresh roses, and a gift bag.

Here are only a few of the beautiful photos taken in 2023!

575a31ab 8183 40f5 84f0 34fa2d1acd11
9a571756 35a2 4eff 9734 fdb41d5f0638
591666b2 4eb8 4685 aca9 cf8f602ab068

JUNE 2023

3d9b6076 c221 4c38 90ff c75e96e3f8f7

AAYHF celebrated Juneteenth in St. John Colony this year–a place where several previously enslaved families relocated to from Galveston, Texas after finding out two years later that slavery in the U.S. had been abolished per the Emancipation Proclamation, 1863.

Michael Lofton, Founder & CEO, AAYHF, great, great, grandmother, Mary Jane Jones Roland, was part of that movement and he was there for the celebration of family, community and most of all freedom!

de30211f 879c 4a5a 8cd3 b0b9282554a2
d4bc06c1 bbab 4ad5 abdf e80f70b52ad2
1bcbcce6 3171 4668 a0b5 b3bd85a92065
41c5d397 b0a0 4a22 ad6a b851a802d1c8

Urban University Youth Summer Camp is an annual 6-week camp for youth 5-18 years old. Campers engage in technology, various workshops, entrepreneurs, corporate volunteers, local artists and activists all share their life and career experiences to inspire our Campers also youth enjoy recreation, weekly field trips, making friends and so much more!

91af1f21 a3ec 428d b895 53c59863f1eb
8d500534 9d98 4d71 af2b d3f256594c9b
f81067e2 84cb 4f52 bedd 6071adf9caa9
34e4fa80 47e1 4d4a 80fb 6f687b7f752f
08403389 1628 44d6 9ab0 e299d39c87ae
a6aea55c 9656 444f 9744 c950f65fe672

AAYHF 2023 Events – List View

96b1edae aec4 4263 89bd ea93c907cedd

JULY 2023

Urban University 2023

July 3 – July 7

Week 5

What an incredible week for our Campers!

They spent a day with Austin Police/SWAT/Sheriff/K-9/Drone Units, EMS and Firefighters, who gave them an old school “splash party”! Their week ended in Judge Mueller’s court room for a mock trial! What an amazing experience for our Campers! Transportation proudly provided by our very own “Harvest Foundation” bus, two of our vans and chaperones, who we appreciate very much!

e816e14f b378 464a 8b00 6cb07e1a2407
b0335f86 076d 48b5 9d7e 819903364508
5841ddd1 85e2 4172 9007 1a5108240178
d1ca49c1 3160 4a2f b631 4393a07bab81
ef72e8a8 588f 46fd b514 5493000d70b6
79ac04ac 788d 4320 8ec5 0ab672b7924c
6e4e3634 1f2e 4e41 b122 fc32e4aaae98
92bb02db 5edf 47ee 93f5 1eb659c011b8

July 31 – Michael Lofton and wife, Elaine, were invited as Special Guests to attend the Art of Living – Sixth Sense – Meditation & Wisdom with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

606dbe1f 6f1c 42d7 a965 3b48c901524d


AAYHF Mentoring – Boys2Men & Queens2Be

63678840 f9b7 4258 9cbc 508e515e7c7a
4d44da44 c566 4d8d bbd2 eec4e1435d10

Friday, August 25, 2023 – March on Washington

Pre-Event Day – Washington, D.C.

Michael Lofton photographed with, Rev. Al Sharpton, Founder & President, National Action Network (NAN)/Civil Rights Activist.

2918e8ff d9ca 4e31 b1d7 f81e825f6c66

Saturday, August 26, 2023 –

Event Day

60th Anniversary MLK March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom –

Washington, D.C.

f2d531fe c539 4483 b4c9 af13a5901f3e
22b4f40f c023 4b96 a295 fc79d7ebef9b
85860b2d c4a8 4327 a64c 36992ef4b368
7ad40c30 ffbe 40ca 8c9c 76cbe107d6fa
307aae7c cf1b 44a1 8f6f 617889a2f9e0

STEM, Technology, 3-D Printing, Gaming & Coding and more is offered at no charge for youth ages kindergarten through 12th grade inside of the Dell Tech Lounge.

STEM workshops are one of the continuous programs that AAYHF offers for young people.

What is STEM? STEM consists of the natural sciences, technology-related, engineering and math fields.

For more info: contactus@aayhf.org

809136a2 4d35 4599 8565 ff4cf2133e33
19a38cb1 7e5d 4d8f 9a29 09b3f60887b3

We appreciate your year-round generous support!

7a3aa5b2 a7e6 4612 a717 bde17a489406
35f1b73f a159 406a b872 445dfa90bb24
b3670796 bc83 429a 89e8 cead70ff5b78


We had 100s of backpacks and school supplies to sort and fill for our Annual Community Backpack Giveaway, which was August 12, 2023.

518bfa04 05bd 45b4 ab57 6f7e7dd59ebe
6d1f8716 5da0 4940 9955 c4ae690022ee
61ba59a2 48e2 4aaa abff 7bcec40d0260
244999e8 2e57 4006 89bf e1f440c1322d


Annual Back-to-School

Community Event –

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Thank you to all of our Sponsors, Donors, Vendors, Partners, Volunteers and the AAYHF Team for making the day an amazing day for our youth and families!

Here are some memorable moments throughout the day!

5a885899 d2f5 4217 8b12 16b1614840ac
49c313a2 bb84 4d27 a0e3 53ea2e6b53a2
980e2535 5df1 4539 9529 6b868481db75
75cfab16 8acc 4eee b5f0 6169d08bd118
d4c7b537 3e02 4a20 9ede 7311f5fb3bfa
de931373 9606 4dd1 ba1f dcaac58d3f7e


05319077 007a 4a1a 8ade fbf732c51902
2f6d73e0 38bc 4e6b 9fb5 435295cf7276
ca6d02de 3cee 4335 abb7 e3c7f4d60982


9ca480fd ca44 4430 b4f9 9c4e31fbebc8
240940d7 f14a 4894 a658 a3c3dff60046
65ad0579 78f0 46e6 b0e6 31beea00568d
2dd53ee8 1ada 4bb3 99ba 7ede23def9e7

AAYHF Queens to Be (Q2B) girls’ mentoring group is an outstanding example of the commitment that the AAYHF team has to young people. The program provides girls with the support and guidance they need to succeed, and it helps them to develop into strong, confident women.

The program is designed to help girls in a variety of ways, including:

  • Academic support, Life skills, Personal development, Social Skills, Healthy Relationships and more!
c743c465 c6d9 417d 8289 ad652d276ec5
64b20721 5773 4b12 b1d4 905443973de5
4dca0db8 a527 4747 9925 0675323113fd
86b9a108 4d7f 4bff ac94 5e49a4af036f
eca8b33e dbc5 484e ac14 6fbf2e1a1919

AAYHF Boys2Men Male Mentoring Program offers specific benefits:

  • Culturally competent mentors: The program matches young men with mentors who understand their unique cultural background and experiences.
  • Targeted support: The program focuses on addressing the specific challenges faced by all young men and specifically African American youth, such as systemic racism and lack of access to resources.
  • Holistic approach: The program provides comprehensive support, including academic help, career guidance, and social-emotional support.

Overall, male mentoring with the African American Youth Harvest Foundation can be a transformative experience for both mentors and mentees. It provides a vital opportunity for young men of all ethnicities to reach their full potential and for men to contribute to their community in a meaningful way.

6ac6ba1b aaa9 4516 9a4d 74d66b6a434d
8b88a7b8 1a01 4d9a aca3 4e0bb5f12dfa
c6952f49 fcfa 4aae 8d53 98eb84f72f74
2c3cea7f ddcc 4b85 b9de a3b61a753951
0aee6786 d401 4ce5 b580 0d1542ca5622

Another benefit of our free weekly mentoring programs is that a delicious, nutritious and hot meal is served and prepared onsite!

76b88084 b358 4450 95a7 f39802ec05a2
80e24cda d9d2 4caf b4ef a4ae4ed0c023
3bdef4b4 86b3 4351 8bde 556e5cd69d8c
5534eff2 d1e3 4c95 bef5 4715d4adab47


103df07d c74d 4ba0 9ca4 bb250aa3b2e4
97e00f26 3899 4397 a513 00af980c1a81

AAYHF Annual “Changing the Story” Gala & Legacy Awards Weekend included multiple family-friendly events with special guest Martin Luther King III


Friday, October 27, 2023 – VIP Brunch & AAYHF Facility Tour

17bcc0e5 03ee 4260 a4d2 2df126953508
30e385f9 af5c 4a9a bc7f a196cbbdd698
eae9bd85 501c 4702 8858 b584276949a9
b6862a58 9872 48bb 9832 1d962ca72a05
f5240bfb b5ae 4a8e af48 fa76b99203ba
42ef83d3 5d7f 4f94 af3d 13206f57ec28
cd4f8192 dfa5 4299 9f64 a19894e0c030
cc44802e c004 46bb 96f3 4fbcc93cbb99
cb267205 0826 49ae bd7e 5b40d68555d3
3c6516e8 1287 47d9 a647 02e16b87e8dc
44bc8748 cf87 45dd 9460 212a2f783bd5

Friday, October 27, 2023 – AAYHF Facility Tour

4f6f6b59 2c5f 420e b5b6 dcbca9c8f458
bb4e5b59 ccf7 43d3 8cb4 734d1431c130
7a51c326 e324 44cc b79a 171df4e1a069
7a42ebe8 d56a 4094 ac26 8499e8b6f345
d820af14 9402 469f 8bb6 e39093eb8dd0
b7b27887 06f5 4d8c a96b 682309953920
08d29044 6657 40b1 a27f 3c6564d78cb3

Saturday, October 28, 2023 – Statewide Youth Summit

49f003f6 7482 4002 a7ce bd4a563e8a38
27eef771 7e7d 4c7a aa2d 88d8c32ac7a8
cb9ac76f d8a3 46c3 a7a7 62dfee660594
20579735 7242 42c0 b9ee 4c0bfe9ac4e6
da618589 36aa 49c9 a417 8c0b7d07a551
bd218337 61ae 4744 962a 84571e92bf95
6f193830 0ffe 415d a806 063db197e631
3cb4bb29 703c 4a1d afaa 23e52ae5886d
49b8f45b 401a 4c70 8259 89a0ded28b52
90114f3c d692 457b b5d6 e63d74cc39a6
ffb9a25a 6582 4423 ac8a a880d87ed199
f48bc778 7323 40e6 b818 3d99f166a866

Saturday, October 28, 2023 – Gala & Legacy Awards Night

88f65788 c567 4e8d 9448 cea642b1e84c
db3e7abb bece 4d8f a433 5a82f2b27de1
fe22ef22 25fb 49f5 a927 2ec9f315fa76
4d371bd9 919a 4984 a3f1 f8f13da8fe32
4a492d35 bb80 427b b257 81c8211792d4
f6d727c3 a748 41ad b1b5 f22e7d6c0a4b
9a207fe6 60b1 4f09 a8d0 efe37aba198e
35e9cb96 e20e 477e 8371 cc9bed29adfd
b6a51275 3f24 4cf0 8b72 918d8be52ac6
fdabc1ce 6a51 4f6a a039 342b898905e4
98b31624 054a 4177 8016 8eb9600d7034
381602a3 55cc 4fcd aa4d 7730792e5b58
bcb13e83 39b4 436f b297 3d41781fce54
f4708265 8489 4c34 a7cb ef55950f407d
4968973e 6630 4bee 85e6 9c7f7c127a9f
0e5e7cf9 9294 464e bd56 6ae8fa8c1b77
18ae4e96 a73e 4b5a 8e2a f9247c0c6f13
8ea77114 5104 4c11 85ae cdb4f4ee2e76
c8851836 feb5 4bc5 8f19 771fa8383e63
e4837d0b 3f65 4016 ad0c cdd9026e4205
7c795fb3 04e5 490e 856c 2569a5a1c0e0
213ad52d 5b22 446c 977f f1a328b52cfb
de64753a 6c1e 4231 b57e 33a4717f71bf
04b5ab34 7b55 4f7d b3a6 dcc67bc1dea4
37204c92 7ac5 4306 a3df a1d4e19e6034
f3f04097 2981 49f5 8292 4f00a254c9c5
b2c4968c 90e6 4faf bde5 a94ef568a1bd
891b7d1a 16ab 4c4b 9eab 83af14460e88
5291a0ea 3cd4 4f34 beba a0afd0ec0259
ff753a33 fef4 4983 a626 ecf944504927
fa2b100c 38a1 4eeb 9e48 cc354d1eb89e
72154993 f9ee 4ffa bac9 80f6a566070b
0e180486 29ed 4199 9cb2 56bb6aba50db
4424de64 dc23 45d1 855b 87e247a6c12d
66eb4a09 157f 469a 90a4 bb118cb92b7d
d090f578 0189 44e8 87ad d19de81ceb83
80b75b35 0886 446d b950 5cc382d774ae
56823152 e5c7 4247 a330 d32cdc81455c

Sunday, October 1 – AAYHF hosted a tailgate filming with

Charles Nook Turner ByrdCEO & Founder Bread City Entertainment and CEO & Founder at Jump On It.

11c60f30 d088 4ed4 8ec9 3dd252a91fae
ec58b80e 22e3 4550 8cbb d424354f44ca
dc06e0f5 e9ef 4969 bb3a be62ca80570d
9a01fe4d eab0 4221 be18 0050a01279d4
8ff1e761 6aaa 41a5 b59c 47e3f3c713c8


We were proud of open the state of Texas very first trauma recovery center – The Harvest Trauma Recovery Center. We welcomed the community and the media with a ribbon cutting ceremony on November 1, 2023!

The center is dedicated to serving those who have been impacted by violence, depression and all areas of mental health wellness and treatment.

c3481707 f727 4760 b59a 13f450d8569f
51935702 d298 4811 b951 875f691a3bd6
5d2b049a 258f 4035 a2c9 c692a2b32300
8c101e9f a8bc 4dca bd0a ce3f5a7e81d9
06a1d703 c403 4a13 bc6b 7178b1cd7d25
2bcdc721 162f 4e4c 8fc0 94e48e128074
75824043 e2ad 46db bb85 04bc564ae758

AAYHF is proud to partner with the organization Mission Accomplished for their Thanksgiving Day Meal Basket Giveaway!

d1262625 5cb7 4e2d af21 1386ea77cba1
12542a30 7ba1 44f5 9d16 ac1ad6b5b601
cd98883c 8555 4d51 9b09 29f71192a2b2


Austin Achieve High School

3c9a2f1c 1e3b 4281 b721 348df61edc9c
c98f169e 9418 49d8 9a53 a61e52334438

See for yourself the excitement that takes place in our Mentoring Programs and around the Offices of the Harvest Foundation!

Open the YouTube video links below to learn more about the vision and mission Michael Lofton, Founder & CEO, and the AAYHF Team have for young people and the community!


e17e6571 f06c 44e2 ae9f 07f410939423

Youth Leadership Institute w/Alpha Kappa Alpha Incorporated Beta Psi Omega Chapter Video

AAYHF Annual Back-to-School Backpack Giveaway Video!

Cap Metro & Harvest Foundation Trauma Recovery Center Video!

Michael Lofton speaks during a Youth Mentoring Session Video!

Mentoring Groups Physical and Nutrition Fitness Day Video!




We appreciate the support of Cadence Bank Foundation! Thank you, Mr. Rogers, for visiting AAYHF on September 26, 2023!

e6093c97 9312 44ed a8f6 f13b3d7db36f

Thank you to our friends at The Brewtorium Brewery & Kitchen (Austin, TX) for their ongoing support!

6a8b0f12 f44f 4dff 8ae5 fdaea0bb1162

“Delighted to connect Michael Lofton, CEO of African American Youth Harvest Foundation with TCSOA (Travis County Sheriff’s Officers Association) leadership. I’m grateful that The Association presented a check to support AAYHF youth programs.”

—Commissioner Ann Howard – at Travis County, Texas – Government.

e9686aae f17d 4d75 b35e 5c2554382683

Thanks to Jack n Jill Austin Chapter for supporting AAYHF!

30a316e3 7f09 45a0 bb67 b1388febc95a

Thank you to A+ Federal Credit Union for their generous support of AAYHF families and programs!

7aa7ec07 6842 4e42 ad01 45b17ae79302
bdcf1ef7 7eb9 4297 bf23 04e5468ef0bc

STEM, Technology, 3-D Printing, Gaming & Coding and more is offered at no charge for youth ages kindergarten through 12th grade inside of the Dell Tech Lounge.

STEM workshops are one of the continuous programs that AAYHF offers for young people.

What is STEM? STEM consists of the natural sciences, technology-related, engineering and math fields.

For more info: contactus@aayhf.org

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517473a2 6398 4d46 a345 e5185fae0f0c
ebc48a2e 3ff2 4364 9ccc f1759f93f4dc

AAYHF Gift Wrapping Party 2023 & Donations –

We are so grateful for our Volunteers, Donors & AAYHF Team

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What an amazing day as AAYHF & CapMetro celebrated partnership and the public bus advertisement revealing, which shows Michael Lofton, President/Founder/CEO, AAYHF, Martin Luther King III, and Foundation Youth in a technology session inside of AAYHF’s Dell Tech Lounge (taken during Martin Luther King III’s visit to the Foundation in October/Gala Awards Weekend).

1f05b814 6e52 41ce a0c0 ef4c536bd624
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cd9307d9 a7e4 4d99 8431 81652f92cf69
82ede62d 32a3 4cff 81d1 4acff577684c

AAYHF Staff Holiday Office Party 2023

e909bd16 ca79 45d8 a7bc 5cf6553d16b9
4f0ecba3 bc07 4036 aea3 b71f3964d9d2

CONGRATULATIONS Michael Lofton – African American Youth Harvest Foundation

MICHAEL LOFTON received the 2023 “Outstanding Texan” Award, nominated by Representative Sheryl Cole. This took place December 11, 2023, during the 50th Anniversary of the Texas Black Caucus Celebration Brunch.

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It’s been a pleasure serving the Austin community throughout 2023. Your support has been vital to our success, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without you.

We’re filled with excitement and motivation for what lies ahead in 2024. We can’t wait to continue working alongside you to make a positive impact.

Wishing you and your family all the very best for the holidays and a joyous, prosperous New Year!

We look forward to achieving great things together in 2024!



~Michael Lofton, Founder/President/CEO – & the AAYHF Team – African American Youth Harvest Foundation

Make Your Year-End Donation Here! Thank you for your support in 2023!

African American Youth Harvest Foundation


6633 Hwy 290 E., #307

Austin, TX 78723



Michael Lofton, Founder & CEO



Text a Donation: Text the word

CHANGE to 77948

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