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The highly anticipated AAYHF Talent Showcase

AAYHF Talent Showcase & Tupperware Helped Families Get Organized!
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The highly anticipated AAYHF Talent Showcase was Saturday, January 20!

The African American Youth Harvest Foundation’s Talent Showcase was an amazing event! What a fantastic opportunity for the community to come together, celebrate talent, and support young people as they shine on stage. Contestants in the showcase were eligible to win a variety of prizes!

Thank you to all of the talented contestants that came out last night as well as our wonderful audience who cheered everyone one!

Here is only a few highlights from the show!

Video below.

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What a weekend blast with AAYHF & Tupperware!

Tupperware can be a surprisingly exciting family learning experience on home organization! It’s a chance to bond, declutter, and create a more efficient home environment together. AAYHF & Tupperware held a Tupperware party this past Saturday at the African American Youth Harvest Foundatio n that was a fun-filled learning experience for the entire family. This was a free event!

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Our Mentoring Programs – Boys2Men (B2M) and Queens2Be (Q2B)

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

These sessions are jammed packed with encouragement, life skills, mental health, academic tutoring, STEM and a deliciously hot meal prepared onsite–all lead by experience and caring facilitators. These programs are free! For more information email us at

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1/17/2024 – AAYHF out in the community!

Tyrone Jones and Karen Moore represented the African American Youth Harvest Foundation at Manor Early College High School for our mentorship program recruitment.

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Travis County/City of Austin SYEP 2024 Now Accepting Applications

Youth ages 14-17 – Youth with disabilities up to age 22.

Scan the QR Code or use this link to register:

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MLK Day 2024

Michael & Elaine Lofton & the AAYHF Team took program youth to the Austin Spurs “Dream Game” tonight where Martin Luther King Jr. was honored and celebrated!

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MLK Day 2024

Michael Lofton , President/Founder/CEO, African American Youth Harvest Foundation sat down with Martin Luther King III in October 2023 to discuss his father’s legacy during his visit to AAYHF for AAYHFs Annual Changing the Story Legacy Awards & Gala weekend!

Watch the video below.

Remember, celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day is not just about one day of the year. It’s about carrying his leg acy forward by fighting for the values he cherished: equality, justice, and love.

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AAYHF is back in 2024 with regular youth, adult and family programming! Remember, our programs and services are free (except for our low-cost youth summer camp)

Mentoring – Boys2Men (B2M) – Tuesday, January 9, 2024

AAYHF congratulates program youth, Noah, who completed his Dell Certification over the holiday season and will have a job waiting for him after high school graduation. CONGRATULATIONS NOAH!!

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Mentoring – Queens2Be (Q2B) – Tuesday, January 9, 2024

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Texas’ very first trauma recovery center offers free services and resources for survivors of violence and their families.

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Upcoming FREE Vaccine Clinics –

Austin Public Health

1/23, 1/26, 1/27, 1/30


African American Youth Harvest Foundation

6633 Hwy 290 E., #307

Austin, TX 78723



Michael Lofton, Founder & CEO


Text a Donation: Text the word

CHANGE to 77948

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