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URBAN UNIVERSITY 2023 – Our Campers Need Your Support!

Our Campers Need Your Support!
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Our Urban University Summer Campers Needs Your Support!

The African American Youth Harvest Foundation is committed to serving our youth this summer. Our focus is to address out-of-school time for our youth to remain on track when they return to school. We had an overwhelming number of students, over 200, with a pending waiting list. We realize the importance of this camp because it allows the parents to know their children are in a safe environment, receive additional educational knowledge, and exposed to field trips to enhance their learning. We did not want our youth to miss this opportunity or place undue hardship on our parents by not providing this safe place for their children.


The camp is going well, and the youth are having a wonderful time. However, we need additional financial support to bring in additional staff, provide hot meals and assist with field trips.

Our Goal is $35,000

Can you make a donation today?


We are thankful to Huston Tillotson University because they were able to accommodate us with the increased enrollment.


If you can provide any assistance, please contact Michael Lofton at 512-585-6696 or email, or you can donate online at or text a donation to 77948, the word “CHANGE”.


JUNE 12 – JUNE 16

Week 2

The second week of Camp started off with Grammy nominated artist, Saul Paul, who was the special guest on Monday. He sang, danced with and encouraged Campers!

Campers in STEM & Tech are ongoing workshops. The younger Campers engineered a bridge!

U.S. Army officers and soldiers & Austin Community College (ACC) representative also stopped by to inspire the Campers about their future career choices!

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Week 1

The first week of Urban University Summer Youth Camp 2023 was a success–no surprise there!

Campers easily made new friends, learned new technology as well as participated in a variety of wellness/fitness, life skills workshops, such as financial literacy and field trips to the Thinkery Museum, Blackland Community pre-Juneteenth event, Casa de Miel (an in nature experience)!


Mark Sampson, Attorney

Jasmine Grimes, Courageous Cadence

Austin Community College

D’affluenza – Twaski Simmons

A J Quinton and Aries

Frost Bank

Cadence Bank

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STEM and Technology are a major part of the learning structure that our Campers will receive over the next 6 weeks.

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A donation over $500 gets you a ticket to our MLK, III Gala on October 28, 2023!!

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African American Youth Harvest Foundation

6633 Hwy 290 E., #307

Austin, TX 78723



Michael Lofton, Founder & CEO


Text a Donation: Text text word

CHANGE to 77948

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